Cemeteries and closed churchyards record generations of local families and provide a link between those living today and people in the past. It is the group’s belief that these monuments should not be lost and forgotten, they should be seen on an equal footing with other heritage sites
Below is text taken from Paradise Preserved English Heritage and English Nature 2002 -
"Cemeteries are highly valued by their local communities and others. First and foremost, cemeteries are places to respect and commemorate the dead, and so are important to the families and friends of people who are buried there. Local people also use cemeteries for exercise and relaxation and for study and enjoyment of nature and history."
History and Nature
Cemeteries hold a wealth of heritage information and are a natural wildlife refuge. This website gives you an insight into hidden gems in Stockport that are open and free for all to discover.
Link to Willow Grove Trails and Booklets - click

Friends of Stockport Cemeteries