Willow Grove Cemetery
Willow Grove Cemetery, Central Drive, Reddish, SK5 7ZZ
Willow Grove is one of Stockport ’s oldest cemeteries and was opened in 1877 as a privately owned business. Eventually the cemetery fell into disrepair and was eventually bought by the Council.
Following a major headstone safety testing programme in 2003 more than 1,600 headstones had to be laid down to prevent them presenting a health and safety hazard. Since then the Council has worked closely with FOSC to agree and deliver an improvement programme. Stockport Council has completed the reinstatement of more than 200 headstones and a rolling programme of work is in place to eventually complete the reinstatement of all laid-down memorials.
Other improvements include new perimeter fences, the reduction of overgrown trees and shrubs to improve sight lines through the cemetery to increase the feeling of light, space and personal safety, and improvements in grounds maintenance in the most recent burial sections.

External funding obtained by FOSC in 2005 and 2007 enabled us to work together to install new gates and many habitat improvements for the benefit of wildlife. We have also installed new benches and bins and planted ornamental trees to improve the area around the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Screen Wall of Remembrance.
In 2010 FOSC completed another restoration project to improve access and encourage use of the cemetery for education, reflection and leisure. Funded by the Big Lottery Community Spaces programme in partnership with Stockport Council, it has been developed sympathetically with careful consideration to protecting the special character of the cemetery. In addition to path improvements and heritage and tree trail has been created through this unique landscape. Refer to home page for the
trail leaflets.
There are no new graves available at Willow Grove Cemetery but a woodland facility for the scattering of ashes is available.
The cemetery grounds are open every day including Bank Holidays until dusk. There are no public toilet facilities available in this cemetery.
Willow Grove is located on the edge of Reddish Vale Country Park. To find out more take a look at the website www.reddishvalecountrypark.co.uk
Copies of the Willow Grove leaflets are available at the Visitor Centre as well as other area maps and leaflets.

Friends of Stockport Cemeteries